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This is relationship involves the highest level of involvement with a Trusted, Credentialed and Focused Professional to take control and manage your wealth.

A Wealth Management Relationship begins with Trust and Confidence. I have worked very hard throughout my time in this industry focusing on full disclosure, transparency and maintaining integrity. I chose to be a Fee Only Advisor because it was the only way to eliminate all conflicts of interest. No outside compensation puts us on the same team.

Consolidated asset management using Blackrock's resources, research, analytics and asset allocations provide professional management in the everchanging global market.

A Partnership with Morningstar, ensures that all MFs, ETFs, and Asset Managers are performing as good if not better than their peers. Morningstar is an independent Analytics Firm that is completely unbiased.

Multiple meetings throughout the year keep you on track.

Coordination with your other professionals ensure that Taxes, Estate Planning, Work benefits and Investments are working for you as efficiently as possible.

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